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World Book Day 2018!


Newtown CE Primary School braved the snow and cold weather to come together to put on a fantastic event in honor of World Book Day on Thursday 1st March 2018.


Lots of different learning took place, centred around books, reading and creative writing; year 2 had particular fun creating humorously descriptive poems. 


The Gruffalo arrived just before lunch to read his story to Year R. He also help Councillor Diane Furlong, the Mayor Elect of Gosport, present the £10,000 cheque to Mrs Howlett and the children on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund for our Community Bookshop and reading initiatives.


The kitchen team were fabulous, creating a Harry Potter themed lunch that consisted of Weasley's Whizz Bangers, Golden Snitches, Dragon Claws and Gobin Fruits, all followed by Harry's Spellbinding Cookies...Delicious!


Thank you all so much for all the effort that went into the amazing costumes, facepaint and hairstyles!


The whole school joined in a Collective Worship assembly at the end of the day so that we could celebrate all the different book characters we had been transformed into! A round of applause was particularly given to the Year 6 teaching team for the immense effort in transforming into the Mr Men and Little Miss characters. 
