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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • To book a school tour and to apply for your child's school place at Newtown, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 • Extra-Curricular Clubs will resume next week • For any queries, please email •

School Clubs and Wraparound Care

Click on the links below to see the exciting activities that are happening in our school.


Wraparound care 

We recognise that securing high quality and reliable childcare for working parents is vital and at Newtown we want to provide an excellent service for you and your child. Our very popular Breakfast Club (Early Birds) takes place in the school hall. Our After School Club (Busy Bees) takes place daily in Butterfly Classroom. Staff are fully qualified and known to the children as the majority work as school support staff during the day. To reserve your place, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 or you can now book directly via the school's Arbor portal.


Extra-curricular Activities

As part of our drive to make a child’s experience at Newtown fulfilling, we offer a wide range of clubs and activities that take place after the school day.


The majority of our extra curricular clubs are free so that as many children as possible can take part. We are able to support children who may be in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) with fees and ask that parents contact the school office for further information.


Our clubs timetable can be found below. To enquire about places, please call the school office or check your School Ping account for details to book your child's place.


Forces Club

Miss Claridge runs our Forces Club. This club is specifically for children from forces families to help build friendships with other service children and offer support whilst having fun. For some more information, please visit the Forces Club page below.

Extra Curricular Clubs Timetable
