What does your child learn at school each day?
Our exciting integrated curriculum engages children with learning by developing thinking skills and equipping them to become lifelong learners who are able to raise questions, partake in deep thinking and reflect on learning. There is a strong emphasis on ‘learning to learn’ alongside building resilient learners with a growth mindset.
Learning is organised around themed cross-curricular learning projects, which provide purposeful learning opportunities (outcomes) and harness children’s inquisitive nature. The children are involved in the plan, design and implementation of the project outcome. Whilst English, Maths and Science are always at the core, the ‘drivers’ (leads) for our learning projects can come from the whole of the Primary Curriculum. English will always be a main lead subject, or a secondary lead subject, thus ensuring that children have the opportunity to practise their skills within a range of contexts. The projects encompass a wide range of subjects as lead subjects, or applied subjects (where children have the opportunity to apply previous learning) such as Music, Design Technology, Dance and Drama, Computing, PE, PDL, French and RE are taught in discrete units unless specifically applicable to the project.
Meaningful curricular links are made with the local community and emphasis is given to children engaging in current affairs. This enables our children to question and have an awareness of the world around them.
Please note: Parents have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education. Parents are requested to write to the Headteacher to request that a child does not take part in Religious Education lessons. Children would still take part in daily assembly but not the part that is concerned with a corporate Act of Worship. Parents are also entitled to withdraw their child from Sex Education but not the part of this that is covered by the Science Curriculum. Parents should again put this request in writing to the Headteacher.
Please visit the year group pages below to see the curriculum maps and more detailed information on the learning taking place in each year group: