Home Page
Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • To book a school tour and to apply for your child's school place at Newtown, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 • Stay and Play will return on Wednesday 15th January 2025 • For any queries, please email •

Our Designated Safeguarding Leaders

If you need to contact our DSL or any of our Deputy DSL's regarding a safeguarding concern,  please contact the school office on 02392 584048 and ask to speak to a DSL. If you are visiting the school, and need to speak to a DSL about a safeguarding concern when on site, please ask at the school office and you will be directed to the nearest available DSL.

Staff Safeguarding Training


Our DSL and Deputy DSL's are fully trained and have completed their refresher training in line with Hampshire County Council's guidelines, every 3 years.


All staff employed at Newtown C of E Primary School and Governors, undertake Safeguarding Training annually and relevant updates throughout the academic year.  The latest whole school safeguarding training, delivered by a DSL, took place in September 2022. All new employees have safeguarding training delivered by a DSL or Deputy DSL as part of their induction.


All employees also complete Prevent Training every year.


Those involved in recruitment are also fully trained in Safer Recruitment, including the Governing Body.


Each staff member and governor also complete annual e-learning on the new Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 document. 


We also ensure elements of the KCSIE are shared in weekly meetings and give staff and governors the opportunity to discuss various scenarios to remind ourselves of what actions we need to take in each situation.

DSL/DDSL Role Profile
