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Newtown C of E Primary School is now closed for the summer holiday period • For any queries, please email • This email account will be checked periodically, but unless urgent, emails will be actioned after September 2nd, 2024 • For any urgent safeguarding concerns relating to a child, please contact the police or telephone Childrens Services on 0300 555 1384 or email • Please note, in an emergency, please call 999 immediately • We wish you all a very relaxing, safe and restful summer holiday •

British Values

The Fundamental British Values


It is ours, and every school’s responsibility “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


At Newtown C of E Primary School we promote these values during Personal Development Learning sessions and at all times in the following ways:

Rule of law 

  • A shared classroom charter. 
  • School policies which set clear boundaries are explained clearly to students. 
  • Learning Behaviours.
  • Behaviour Cake.




  • Students being encouraged to consider alternative pathways in lessons. 
  • Student Voice on key school decisions. For example, school council, pupil representation at meetings. 
  • House Captains and Vice Captains



    Individual liberty 


    • The provision of extra-curricular activities and clubs, including extended studies. 
    • Students encouraged to voice views in lessons. 
    • Office Juniors.
    • Lunchtime helpers.
    • Library Champions
    • Digital Leaders.
    • Eco Warriors.


    Mutual respect 



    • Classroom charter. 
    • School ethos statement 
    • Learning Behaviours. 
    • The publishing and enforcement of a smart dress code for students [uniform] and staff. 
    • School behaviour policy and equal opportunities policy.  
    • Philosophy for Children (P4C) and Personal Development Learning (PDL) Curriculum.
    • Yoga.


    Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths, Religions and Beliefs



    • Appreciation of religious festivals and services. 
    • Acceptance of different faiths. 
    • Religious Studies taught to all students.
    • Faith assemblies.
    • Opportunities for diversity and cultural days.