At Newtown C of E Primary School we provide young carer groups at lunchtimes. We have a KS1 group, Lower KS2 group and Upper KS2 group. We have lunch together and it gives our Young Carers an opportunity where they can socialise with other children, communicate with peers, access support and have fun. We ensure that the young carers have a safe and trusted environment for this. Within our group we very often provide activities that can support with their emotions. These groups are run by our Young Carer Champions/Leaders, Miss Claridge (ELSA) and Mrs Whittle (HSWM).
What our Young Carers say:
• “I feel happiness – it helps with friendships”
• “You get to make friends, they help you with problems”
• “You talk about your worries”
• “It’s like a safe place”
• “I enjoy coming – I get away from class and the noise, it’s time for me”
• “You get strategies on how to calm down”
• “I like the creative part and talking about stuff”
• “It helps me when I feel scared, I feel safe”
• “It helps me calm down”
• “It helps me be calmer, I was hurting my brother before, now I don’t as much”
• “It’s not noisy”
• “It makes me cheerful and quiet, I like the activities”
• “It helps me to stop hurting myself, I like it, it’s fun”
• “I like to get away from my friends, have a break”
A “young carer” is defined in section 96 of the Children and Families Act 2014 as: ‘…a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person (of any age, except where that care is provided for payment, pursuant to a contract or as voluntary work).’
Young carers take on caring responsibilities for a parent, sibling, grandparent or other person who is affected by:
• Physical disability
• Sensory disability
• Learning disability
• Long-term illness
• Stigmatised illness
• Drug or alcohol dependence
• Mental health issues
• Impacts of war
If you would like to contact our Young Carer Champions/Leaders or would like any further information, please email or call the school office on 02392 584048.