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EAL - English as an Additional Language

In Newtown C of E Primary School, we are committed to welcoming all families to the school and being inclusive

We have children from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds within the school, which we celebrate and embrace. 


At Newtown C of E Primary School 19% of our school population are EAL learners (nearly a fifth). Inclusion, diversity and opportunity are integral to our school community. We believe that language should not be a barrier to learning but a beneficial tool to our pupils and school community.  


What is an EAL learner? 

An EAL pupil is a pupil whose first language is not English. This encompasses pupils who are fully bilingual and all those at different stages of learning English.’ 


Newtown C of E Primary School supports the use of the Bell Foundation EAL ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK as a tool for assessing and supporting EAL pupils. The guidance enables teachers to set effective targets and develop a learning journey for an EAL pupil. We use this data to complement our teacher assessment and set targets for all our EAL learners. 
