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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • To book a school tour and to apply for your child's school place at Newtown, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 • Extra-Curricular Clubs will resume next week • For any queries, please email •

Opening Times

The School Day


08:25 YR/KS1 & KS2 Gates are opened

08:30 Doors will open
08:35 Morning session begins

08:45 Registers close
10:30 to 10:45 Morning Break

12:00 to 12:45 KS2 Lunchtime
12:00 to 13:00 YR/KS1 Lunchtime
15:15 Afternoon session ends


All infant and junior children to be collected from outside their classrooms. Unless otherwise instructed.


At the end of the school day a member of the senior leadership team is present at the main school gate.


If parents have not arrived by 3.20pm the teacher will then ask the child to go the school office and office staff will try to establish telephone contact from details held on school records.


Parents are urged to contact the school as early as possible if they are likely to be held up, this should be kept to a minimum. Parents are reminded children are their responsibility from 3.15pm.


If office staff are unable to make contact with the first or second points of contact for a child, then the school would be obliged to contact the Local Authorities.
