Gosport has a traditional connection to the forces, notably it's association as a ‘Naval Town’ and as a result we are proud to have a number of forces (service) children attending our school. We recognise that being part of a forces family can pose unique challenges, and to provide connections and support, we run an after school club weekly for our children. This is a chance for our children to share their experiences, support each other and come together to celebrate their strengths.
We have chosen to name our Forces Club ‘Dandelion Club’ in recognition of the incredible nature of the children of forces families. The Dandelion has been adopted as the official emblem of the military child because its seeds are blown far and wide by the wind but it will always plant roots and flourish wherever it lands.
The provision is run by Miss Claridge, our school ELSA who provides expert emotional support to our children. There are several members of the staff team who themselves are part of military families and this give us a special insight into the demands and effects this can have.
Dandelion Club is a safe space for children to share their feelings and take part in some fun activities which have been created in conjunction with the Naval Children’s Charity and Little Troopers. This year we are hoping to join forces with local schools to provide additional networking opportunities for our military families, watch this space!
Please find some useful links below:
Service Schools Mobility Toolkit
SCE is dedicated to the education of the children of Service Personnel. In keeping with the patterns of service life, children enter and leave school more frequently than in non-service schools. This toolkit, sponsored by NCSL and supported by SCISS and CEAS, has been created for students, parents, all school staff and leaders to assist in school transitions wherever you are in the world.
HIVE Information Centers are provided by the Army, RN and RAF to provide information supportto all members of the Service community. To find out about relocation, local unit and civilian facilities, places of interest, schools and further education, housing, healthcare facilities, employment and training opportunities in your location.
Service Children's Education (SCE)
Service Children's Education (SCE) is an Agency of the MOD and is dedicated to the education of the children of Service families and MOD personnel serving outside of the United Kingdom.
Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS)
Children's Education Advisory Service is a Tri-Service organisation funded by the MOD. It was established to provide information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civilians on all aspects of the education of their children in the UK and overseas.
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) Forces Help
SSAFA provide support for the serving men and women in today's Armed Forces and for those who have served - even if it was only for a single day. They also care for their families and dependents