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Newtown C of E Primary School is now closed for the summer holiday period • For any queries, please email • This email account will be checked periodically, but unless urgent, emails will be actioned after September 2nd, 2024 • For any urgent safeguarding concerns relating to a child, please contact the police or telephone Childrens Services on 0300 555 1384 or email • Please note, in an emergency, please call 999 immediately • We wish you all a very relaxing, safe and restful summer holiday •


Anti Bullying

In this section of our website we include useful documentation and information for parents concerned about bullying.


As we teach every child at Newtown C of E Primary School - the three words to beat bullying are TELL! TELL! TELL!  


Good communication is the key!


We teach and encourage our children to tell a school adult if anything  happens that worries them, but often they'll take it to you, as their  parents, in the first  instance.  We have worry boxes in each class, where children can share their worries and the school adults look in the boxes and address any concerns immediately.


Therefore, if you are conc​erned about an aspect of bullying at our school  [however big or small] , please contact either your child's class teacher, or talk directly to Mrs Howlett, our headteacher; by  popping in, or calling school on 023 92584048.          


Indeed, if your child attends Newtown C of E Primary and you're concerned about issues in groups outside of school; you can still talk to her - she is here to help, and will try to advise you on next steps.  Just speak to Mrs Howlett on the gate or make an appointment with her with the school office to discuss your concerns.


Take a look at the documents below for further information, and see what we thought and learnt this Anti Bullying Week in our collective worship and through our learning in Personal Development and Computing.
