A yellow weather warning for wind and snow has been upgraded to an amber warning from midday today. We have also sought advice on the forecast for the rest of the day and overnight; and have been in contact with Hampshire Constabulary. We have been advised there will be very cold conditions overnight with expected snowfall, where below freezing temperatures and some further snow will mean conditions are forecast to be hazardous.
Therefore we, along with our local schools expected to perform tomorrow, have made the difficult decision to withdraw from Rock Challenge and we will no longer perform on Friday night. This is a decision I have not taken lightly.
We are in contact with Rock Challenge UK and we will endeavour to rearrange our performance on another evening, where the tickets bought will be transferrable. I will ensure information about future performances will be given to you all as soon as possible.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. The safeguarding of our children and staff is paramount and will continue to be so.
Any decision regarding a potential school closure for tomorrow, Friday 2nd March, will be communicated to all parents by 7:30am tomorrow morning, but we will endeavour to make a decision later on today.
Thank you once again for your support.
Mrs Howlett, Headteacher