Home Page
Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • To book a school tour and to apply for your child's school place at Newtown, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 • Stay and Play will return on Wednesday 15th January 2025 • For any queries, please email •

New Year R Pupils joining us in September 18


We are excited & delighted to welcome our new Year R pupils and their families, starting in September 2018 to our Welcome Event on Wednesday 25th April at 5:30pm and to the many events that will take place between now and September to ensure you and your child feel relaxed, excited and happy about beginning your school journey with us here at Newtown C of E Primary School.


New Year R Pupils Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 25th April 2018 at 5:30pm

All families will be invited to a parents’ evening, where you will meet Mrs Howlett, Headteacher and the Early Years teachers and staff. Information will be given out at this event to help your child start school smoothly in September. Free food tasters will also be given out from the Kitchen Team so you and child can start to experience our delicious meals served at school lunchtimes! 

Refreshments and a free creche will be provided. 


After school drop-in sessions – May 2018 
Parents and children will be invited to pop in for short periods of time after school to continue to meet staff and get familiar with the classroom, the dates for these drop in sessions are as follows:

  • Wednesday 2nd May 3pm-3.30pm
  • Wednesday 9th May 3pm-3.30pm
  • Wednesday 16th May 3pm-3.30pm
  • Wednesday 23rd May 3pm-3.30pm


Stay and Play – June 2018 
Children are invited to attend stay and play sessions through-out June. Sessions are an hour long and take place either in the mornings or afternoons. Parents can book these sessions at the Parents’ Evening in April or via the school reception. Pizza and cookies will also be served. The dates for these sessions are as follows:

  • Wednesday 6th June 1:30pm - 2:20pm
  • Friday 15th June 9:30am - 10.30am
  • Thursday 21st June 1:30pm - 2:20pm (Pizza and cookies will be served from 1.15pm so come early!)
  • Wednesday 27th June 9:30am - 10:30am (Pizza and cookies will be served afterward from 10:45am)


Home visits – week commencing 2nd July 2018
Your child’s class teacher will visit your home this week, to get to know your child and their family; their likes and dislikes and talk in more detail about what to expect in September.


Stay and Play Finale – Friday 13th July 2018 at 1.30pm
At the last Stay and Play session, parents can leave children in the classroom, to experience an hour of independent play. All parents are warmly encouraged to have coffee and cake with the Headteacher and School Governors in the library.
