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Internet and Online Safety

With the return to school, coupled with ever-growing online activity including expanding social media platforms, we want to remind everyone about the importance of staying safe online.  


Whilst being able to connect with others online comes with its benefits it also comes with increased risks, if a child is using the internet unsupervised.  It is recommended that you review your safety and security settings at home, to ensure that your child is safe online, as well as, managing the amount of time your child spends online.  It is important that you raise awareness about how to stay safe online at home, as this will complement what the school teaches the children in school with regards to online safety.  We teach about online safety through our computing and PDL curriculum, as well as, responding to questions and concerns as they arise, as part of our day-to-day safeguarding policies and practices.


It is important that you have conversations with your child/ren at home about online activities and the safety measures they need to take.


On our website there is a section regarding online safety using the link below, which has some key documents and weblinks to use: 
