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Equalities Week - Loyd Durham visit

This week has been Equalities Week and Year 2 have been learning about diversity in sport. After learning about the Paralympic and Invictus games, we were visited by Loyd Durham, a keen local runner who had an operation to remove the lower part of his right leg following a bike accident. 


Loyd told us all about his recovery and physio since his operation 21 weeks ago, and how he is now running again. Loyd competed in the Gosport Golden Mile this year and last weekend he competed in a triathlon! The children loved seeing his medals and listening to Loyd talk about his aspirations for the future. The children were very impressed that Loyd is hoping to compete in the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo. 

Loyd showed us his special new blade which he will soon use for running to make him run ever faster. The children enjoyed asking him lots of questions about it and were very inspired by his motivation and optimism.


Thank you Loyd for coming to visit us and good luck!
