The current situation regarding the Coronavirus is changing daily and we have today updated our risk assessments following updated advice received over the weekend.
Therefore, following my letter to you all on Friday, the following events and activities have been either postponed or cancelled so that we can limit the spread of infection and to ensure that we are in control of all hygiene measures:
At the moment all after school clubs will continue as planned (except for Mr. Bagley’s football and this is due to Mr. Bagley’s paternity leave; all affected families have been contacted).
Parents’ Evening: Although parents’ evening has been postponed, if you would like to discuss something urgent with your child’s class teacher, the school office would be happy to arrange a telephone appointment for you. Please contact the school office to arrange this.
Pupil Absence: Due to an increased number of pupil absences this morning, please can I draw your attention to the letter that was sent home on Friday with regard what to do if your child presents symptoms or is unwell. In the case of a pupil absence, there are websites you can access so that your child can access home learning whilst they are not in school. Please visit our website
I will of course update you with any further news or developments as soon as I can. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Howlett, Headteacher