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Celebrating Mrs Bull and Mrs Watson


It was wonderful this morning to focus our Ethos Collective Worship on friendship as we welcomed back Mrs Bull and Mrs Watson who both retired in July to celebrate the impact they have had not just on the children's lives but on the staff and the community as a whole.


Layla and David from year 6 read wonderful poems entitled " A new day and a new way" and "We will remember" respectively. 


The children from every year group presented cards they had made to say farewell and thank you, whilst singing 'Memories' with the One World Choir. 

A special gift was also presented by the Hunter Eaton family to Mrs Watson.


During our prayers of thanksgiving for Mrs Bull and Mrs Watson, we thanked Mrs Bull and Mrs Watson for everything they had done for Newtown C of E Primary School and finished with singing 'We are the children of Newtown school'.


Thank you Mrs Bull and Mrs Watson for inspiring so many.

