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Above and Beyond the Call of Duty


Congratulations to Mrs Blythe who has been awarded the ABCD award for March. Staff can nominate each other for the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty award which recognises outstanding professional contributions by individual staff members.


This award will be presented to staff who have gone above and beyond their day to day responsibilities, have excelled in their field, taken part in activities that have highly benefited the pupils of Newtown C of E Primary School or contributed to promoting a positive image of the profession. Winners will have sprinkled magic into the minds and lives of our school community on a continuing or substantial basis.  


Mrs Blythe was nominated because of her tireless work to improve and introduce new ideas and incentives for Earlybirds and Teatimers. Mrs Blythe gives many hours of her own time without asking for any recognition. Mrs Blythe is so committed to the children and staff of Newtown throughout the day, working at Earlybirds, Lunchtime and Teatimers, in addition to leading the Forces Club. Mrs Blythe always remains calm and cheerful. 


Congratulations Mrs Blythe!


