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A message from Mrs Howlett - 5th June 2020


Dear Parents and Carers


I hope you are well and are continuing to stay safe at home as much as possible. It is really important to continue to adhere to the Government guidelines to reduce the risks of COVID 19. Please remember, if I am asking children and staff to come into school, it is absolutely vital that you continue to socially distance yourselves from others outside your household, at all times, including the weekends and evenings, so that they may be protected and the risks to the staff and children are minimised.


As you know, throughout this COVID 19 period, the school has continued to be open for children of priority families and critical workers; however this week has also seen the return of children in Year R, Year 1 and Year 6. 


I am so proud of the children and the staff of Newtown C of E Primary School. Their resilience has been so evident and everyone has adapted so well to the new changes that we have had to manage. Learning has been fun and focused and will continue, first and foremost, to ensure the health and wellbeing needs of the children are met at this current time.


May I also thank you as parents and carers who have adhered to the new systems and regulations that we have had to enforce to keep everyone as safe as possible. I know some of the requests have not been ideal but I am so appreciative of your ongoing support. Our risk assessment process is evolving daily and the staff and I are doing all we can to minimise the risk to all.


To the families and children who are not yet back at school, may I send a special message of thanks and support to you. The home learning has been phenomenal; myself and the teachers have enjoyed looking at the quality of the work and I am so proud of all the children and parents as you are all juggling so much at this time. Please continue to access the opportunities for home learning via our website


As per my previous communications, we are suggesting a maximum of 2-3 hours per day spent on home learning and please only do as much as you feel your family circumstance allows. What has always been most important to me is that our families stay physically and mentally well. You know your children/child best and please do not be troubled by the amount of work being provided by school, be pleased, as we want to give you as many opportunities and activities across a range of themes, projects and subjects to help as possible, but to what extent your child completes these is up to you.


Please continue to use Seesaw and Tapestry to share your child’s learning with their teacher and I would like you as parents to continue to share your strength, your calm and your laughter with your children. I want every child to have happy memories throughout this unsettled period and I want as much as possible for our lovely Newtown community to stay safe.


I know there has been a lot of hype in the press about schools reopening fully at some point in the future. To date I have had no guidance or communication about this. The hype surrounding this issue is unhelpful and at this time there are no plans to reopen fully and we will only do so when we are told to do so and only when it is safe to do so.


The staff and I continue to miss everyone very much that are not back with us. Our staff are continuing to call all families that remain at home so that we can touch base with you all and keep in touch. Please remember, when this period is over, no one will be left behind, our fabulous teachers will make sure of that, whenever the time comes that everyone returns to school.


Thank you once again for your continued support.

Kindest regards

Mrs. E Howlett, Headteacher

