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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • It is our Christmas Fayre, this Friday 6th December at 3:30pm, all welcome! £1 entry including a free visit to the nativity animals • For any queries, please email •

Thank you and Update from Mrs Howlett 08.09.2020


I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you all for your positive feedback when coming on to site at the start and end of the school day.


Please can I also say a special thank you to year 2 parents for listening to us and ensuring that you arrive at your designated arrival time and not before. This prevented a bottle neck this morning and it allowed everyone in key stage one to have a smooth arrival.


Please can I remind all parents that children are not allowed to use the play equipment at the start and end of the school day. We work hard throughout the day to keep the children separated in their bubbles and we need to ensure this continues until the children are home.


In addition, whilst it is lovely to see our year 6 leavers in their secondary uniforms, where possible and to reduce the numbers of people on site, please can we ask that they remain on the cycle path and do not come onto site at this time.


We are expected to have warm weather in the next few days and it is vital that a full water bottle is brought in EVERY DAY from home for the children to use.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions, unfortunately we are not able to hold our annual Meet the Teacher evenings this week, therefore the teaching teams have prepared virtual Meet the Teacher presentations for you to view at your leisure via our website


May I also take this opportunity to inform you of some wonderful news. Miss Metcalf, Inclusion Leader and SENCo, is getting married on Saturday 12th September 2020. Therefore Miss Metcalf will be known, from next week, as Mrs. Holloway. We wish Mr and Mrs Holloway our warmest wishes for the future and our many congratulations!


Thank you once again for your continued support.
