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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • To book a school tour and to apply for your child's school place at Newtown, please contact the school office on 02392 584048 • Extra-Curricular Clubs will resume next week • For any queries, please email •

Starting School - September 2020 (Year R)


If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016, they will be eligible to start school in the school year beginning September 2020.


From 1st November 2019 the online application system opens and will close at midnight on 15th January 2020 (The national closing date).


If you, or a family you know of, would like a tour of the school to find out more about starting school in September 2020, please call the school office.


Alternatively, please visit for more information.
