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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • It is our Christmas Fayre, this Friday 6th December at 3:30pm, all welcome! £1 entry including a free visit to the nativity animals • For any queries, please email •

Sports Day 2019 - Friday 28th June 2019


Friday 28th June will be Newtown C of E Sports Day:


Years 3 to 6 – Starts at 9.30am (parents to arrive between 9am - 9.15am)

Early Years and Years 1 & 2 – Starts at 1.30pm (Parents to arrive between 12.45pm-1pm)


Please can all children come to school in their PE kit. Therefore please collect you child’s PE kit on Monday 17th June from school. PE kit should consist of: Your child’s house colour t-shirt or white PE t-shirt, black shorts, trainers or plimsolls. House T-shirts are available to buy from the school office.


Your child should also have a water bottle in school as they will be taking it on to the field to be used between events, if this has been taken home for any reason please can you ensure it comes back in. Should the weather be hot and sunny your child will need a sun-hat and have sun-tan lotion applied before coming to school on the day and this should be available to be reapplied throughout the day.


All children will be placed in groups, but will be competing for house points.  We have tried to ensure all siblings are in the same group to ensure parents can watch all their children compete. The children will take part in events around the perimeter of the field.  We ask that all parents remain in the centre of the field to spectate.  Feel free to bring a rug or chairs to sit on.



We would very much like to have a family sports day picnic on the field at lunchtime for all parents to join their children. Therefore, lunchtime will work as follows:

  • If you are a KS2 parent and you would like to stay for the picnic at lunchtime, please stay on the field after the morning events have concluded.
  • If you are an EYFS or KS1 parent, please arrive at the Forton Road gate for 11.45am to enter the school field for the picnic.
  • At 12.45pm, the bell will ring and all children will go back to their class base to register for the afternoon. At this time, all KS2 parents will be asked to leave via Forton Road, unless you also have a child in KS1 or Year R.
  • If you are a KS1 or Year R Parent that has not taken part in the picnic, you can arrive for the afternoon sports day between 12.45pm and 1pm via the Forton Road gate.
  • PLEASE DO NOT BRING ALCOHOL, FIZZY DRINKS AND/OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING NUTS TO THE PICNIC. Bottles of water will be available to buy on the day.
  • Please use bins provided for all rubbish or take all rubbish home with you.


Entrance to the field will be via the gate on Forton Road ONLY.  Please use this gate to enter at the times specified above. This gate will close during the sports day to ensure child safety.


If you are attending the picnic with your child, please ensure your child has a packed lunch provided from home. All other children can order a picnic lunch from school to eat with everyone on the field. This picnic lunch option will be the only option available to order on the day. The red option will consist of Sausage Roll, Fruit and a piece of cake. The Green option will consist of Pizza bites, Fruit and a piece of cake.


Adult toilets will be located in the lodge and a quiet seating area will be located in the gazebo on the KS2 playroom. There will also be shady areas on the field for the comfort of the children and families.


At the end of the day, please collect your child in the usual way from the classroom doors. The winning house team will be announced to the children in a special Collective Worship on the following day. After the Sports day, please return your child’s P.E. bag to school so that the children can continue P.E. until the end of term.


Finally, I would also like to remind all parents and visitors of the following safety policies:

  • We cannot permit videos or photographs to be taken of any other children apart from your own. Please ensure no other children are in the background of your photographs and please refrain from posting photographs on social media.
  • The school field is strictly a no-smoking area and I would appreciate your absolute consideration on this matter.
  • The climbing frames in the playgrounds or the sports day equipment are not to be used by younger children during the day.


Nearer to the day we will send all parents a map of the different sports stations and a guide on how to collect you child for the picnic.


On behalf of all at Newtown C of E Primary School, we look forward to seeing as many friends and family members as possible on Tuesday 18th June 2019.
