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SIAMS Inspection 2019 - We are a GOOD Church School!


SIAMS Inspection 2019 – Newtown is a GOOD church school!


Dear Parents


I take delight in writing to you following our recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection on the 3rd May 2019. I am so proud and pleased to announce that our wonderful school was awarded the grade of GOOD. This achievement exemplifies our commitment and pride in being a church school and providing our children with the best and most irresistible educational opportunities possible.


I was particularly pleased to see that the school has been praised in the following areas:

  • The dedicated leadership of the Headteacher and her passion in supporting all pupils and adults, aided by her leadership team and the governors, enables pupils and adults to flourish within this Christian school.
  • Pupils, especially those who are most vulnerable, benefit from being in a safe and happy environment where they develop a love of learning and for each other alongside friendship and courage.
  • Pupils have a good understanding of the school’s Christian values and can explain the difference these make to their actions and behaviour.
  • The wellbeing of staff, the importance placed upon this, and the care of pupils is particularly strong and second to none, leading to a culture in the school of everyone working to be the very best they can be.
  • RE and collective worship provide pupils with a safe place where there are opportunities to engage and respond to the big questions of life. They are given time to reflect, to ask questions and arrive at their own decisions.
  • The leadership should be praised for their determination that pupils should have access to an appropriate and exciting curriculum, which is well taught.


Please take time to read the full inspection report, which can be found on our school website, under the Letters section.


I am delighted that the Inspector saw our school as we see it every day. In partnership with parents, the report recognises the dedication and hard work of all our staff and governors to achieve the very best outcomes for all our children. The children, as they are every day, are a true credit to parents and the school alike.


The Inspector saw elements and features of excellence, which we will strive to achieve across our provision. We will continue to develop, improve and extend the opportunities for pupils’ spiritual engagement by enhancing the indoors and outdoors learning environments and will continue to develop our RE systems and developing the pupils understanding of global issues.


Finally, thank you for supporting us as we continuously strive to achieve the very best we can for all the children of our school.


Kindest regards

Mrs Howlett, Headteacher 

