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Welcome to Newtown C of E Primary School • It is our Christmas Fayre, this Friday 6th December at 3:30pm, all welcome! £1 entry including a free visit to the nativity animals • For any queries, please email •

School Tea Towels


As a unique fundraiser, the school is organising school tea towels for you to buy for potential Christmas presents.


Each of the children have drawn a picture of themselves which will be printed on the tea towel with the child's name underneath. The towels have the school name, logo, key stage area, children's pictures and names printed on them. We have 2 different tea towels one for Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Years R to 2), and one for Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6).


The number of tea towels will be limited, so please complete the form sent home via parentmail to confirm how many tea towels you would be interested in purchasing. The tea towels will cost £4.00 each. Please note the form is only an expression of interest, it is not a order form. Order forms will be released once we have the tea towels on site. Sale of the tea towels will be on a first come first served basis. We hope you like the children's efforts.


Please respond by 11am on Thursday 5th November
