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Newtown C of E Primary School is now closed for the summer holiday period • For any queries, please email • This email account will be checked periodically, but unless urgent, emails will be actioned after September 2nd, 2024 • For any urgent safeguarding concerns relating to a child, please contact the police or telephone Childrens Services on 0300 555 1384 or email • Please note, in an emergency, please call 999 immediately • We wish you all a very relaxing, safe and restful summer holiday •

Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March


Newtown C of E Primary School will be participating in Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March.


We ask that children come to school dressed in their PE kit for a fun-run on the school field, in the morning. This event is organised in conjunction with St Vincent College. Full school uniform must be brought in with your child to change into after the run. Children can come to school with Red Noses only.


As this is not a non-uniform day children will be expected to wear full school uniform. No other Red Nose Day merchandise can be worn in school. However, if children wish to wear a red nose t-shirt for the fun-run, they can.


We kindly ask for a £1 donation towards this good cause.


PE kits must be taken home on Thursday after school, ready for Friday morning. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school.


Should we have inclement weather the activity may change but we will keep you informed during the day.
