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Governor Trophy - Autumn 2023 - KS2


Congratulations to Matthew in Year 4, for winning the KS2 Autumn Governor Trophy Award. Matthew has developed into a considerate, thoughtful and hard-working boy who is striving to become the best verison of himself.

He has worked so hard on developing his learning behaviours, particularly resilience, as he is now able to keep going even when he finds things difficult. This, in turn, has demonstrated Matthew's progress in self-regulation; he can now use and apply taught problem-solving skills to approach a problem in a new way and regulate his emotions.

Matthew has shown a real love of learning since the start of Year 4. He demonstrates a real pride in his work, especially in his drawings, and he is enthusiastic about learning new things. He particularly enjoyed our Anglo-Saxon learning in History, especially our Anglo-Saxon experience day at the beginning of the term.

Matthew is a hands-on learner. He loves learning through experience and he is able to make links with what he is learning to the wider context of the world and his own experiences. He has shown great courage and independence to develop his thinking when approaching learning, and he is very reflective about things that are important to him.

Matthew has worked hard to form close bonds and positive relationships with children who are good role models for him. This has enabled Matthew to enjoy his breaktimes and lunchtimes and to develop the school's Christian Ethos Value of Friendship on a daily basis.

Matthew's determination to get it right has been praised by a number of school staff this year, and the difference in Matthew's attitude to learning has been incredible. We are so proud of you, Matthew. Keep it up.

After hearing he won the award Matthew said "I have been working so hard and I am making the right choices". Well done Matthew.
