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Forthcoming Events and CHRISTMAS!


Each child will come home today with a letter regarding the many Christmas events planned. We have attached a copy for your reference below.


Please note further detailed information about specific events, including the Nativity Performances will be sent out from next week.


The Y6 children at Little Canada will receive their hard copy letter on Monday.


Finally, please remember that children can wear their odd socks on Tuesday for our Anti-Bullying campaign and on Friday 15th November we are supporting the BBC Children in Need campaign - we ask all children to donate £1 to come to school wearing their spots and dots and/or their Pudsey t shirts/clothes.


Christmas Events 2019


Dear Parents & Carers

It is with great excitement that we write to advise you on our plans as a school to celebrate Christmas this year. We love to celebrate Christmas at Newtown C of E Primary School and hope that you can join us for as many events as possible. Please add these dates to your diary if you have not already done so:

Friday 15th November

Sweetie Cups to go home

We kindly ask that you fill up the sweetie cup provided and wrap in Christmas paper for the Fayre. They will need to be returned on donation day.


Thursday 21st November

Christmas Fayre Donation Day

This is a non-uniform day and we ask that each child bring in an item for the school Christmas fayre as per the list below.

Early Years and Year 1 – Toys & books

Year 2 – Teddies and soft/cuddly animals

Year 3 - Smellies

Year 4 – Soft drink bottles

Year 5 & 6 – Alcoholic bottles and cans (for our adult only raffle/tombola)

Wrapped Sweetie cups to be returned on this day please.


Thursday 27th November

Cake Donation Day

Please can as many families as possible donate baked goods/cakes to be sold at the Christmas Fayre on this day. Please label any trays or boxes that you would like returned.


Friday 29th November

Christmas Fayre

Our family Christmas festive events start with our Christmas Fayre held in school from 3:15 – 5:15 pm. There will be several stalls and fun activities, along with a tombola and raffle with great prizes! 50p entry which will include a visit to the LIVE animal Christmas nativity which is new this year!

Also, each year group has a stall where every child has made something to sell at the Christmas Fayre. Please visit your child’s stall to buy their handcrafted goods!

A map of the Christmas Fayre stalls and further detailed information will be sent out next week.


Tuesday 3rd December

Christingle Service

Held at Christ Church, Stoke Road, the Christingle Service will start from 6:00 pm. The children of Newtown are invited to attend the Christingle service and collect their special Christingle orange at the beginning of the service. These oranges will be made in class.


Friday 6th December

Alverstoke Christmas Tree Festival

St Mary’s Church hosts this festival, starting at 2:20 pm. More details to follow.


Saturday 7th December

Christ Church Christmas Fayre

Christ Church joint Christmas Fair with Holy Trinity Church. Will be held at Christ Church from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm.


Monday 9th December

Years 1 & 2 Nativity Dress rehearsal

KS2 audience only


Tuesday 10th December

Early Years Nativity Dress Rehearsal

KS1 audience only


Years 1 & 2 Nativity Play – 2:00 pm

Further information will be sent out shortly to all KS1 parents detailing how to book your seats.


Wednesday 11th December

Early Years Nativity Play – 2:00 pm

Further information will be sent out shortly to all Early Years parents detailing how to book your seats.


Friday 13th December

Years 1 & 2 Nativity Play – 9:30 am

Second and final day for this year’s Nativity. Further information will be sent out shortly to all KS1 parents  detailing how to book your seats.


Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Church Service

At Christ Church, Stoke Road from 1:30 pm. All parents and family members welcome.


Thursday 19th December

Christmas Jumper Day

We ask that all pupils who wish to wear a Christmas jumper to donate £1 on the day. All proceeds will be going to Save the Children charity.

Christmas Lunch

The Christmas lunch will be held in the hall from 12 noon – 1:00 pm. Staff and children will be eating together a traditional lunch of roast turkey or Quorn roast. More information will be sent out shortly with regards to booking and choices.


Friday 20th December

Scroogical Panto

For children and staff only. The visiting pantomime this year is Scroogical and will be performing to both Early Years, KS1 and KS2 in the morning.


Last day of term

Children will leave at the normal time of 3:00 pm on Friday 20th December.


All school dinners, Early Birds and Tea-timers money should be paid and not in arrears, up to and including the 20th December.Extra-curricular clubs and Tea-timers will not be running on the last day of term (Friday 20th December).


We wish all our families a very wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year

Newtown C of E Primary School


