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Diversity Day - 27th June


On 27th June we are holding a 'Diversity Day'. We are tying this day in with National Refugee Day, where we will recognise the strength and courage faced by refugees. We are using this day to celebrate and find out more about the rich diverse community in which we live in.


As a school, we want to use this time to celebrate the similarities and differences between ourselves. During the day, we will be finding out more information about the different cultures, religions and beliefs which make up our school community. We also want to find out more about specific times of year with regards to key events and/or celebrations. We will also be learning about stories, songs, artwork, food, drink specific to different cultures.


As always, we want like our families to get involved and we value your input. If you have information/stories to share about key celebrations, food, events, clothing, then we would like you to come into school to share this with us. Please liaise directly with the class teacher if you would like to attend and the time you would like to come in. On the day, if you come to the main school office to sign in, a member of the team will then show you to your child's class. We looking forward to seeing you on 27th June. 
