Coronavirus Update
I wanted to write to let you know the proactive steps that we are taking as a result of the current Coronavirus situation. I am sure you will appreciate that this information is correct at the time of writing but that the situation is changing rapidly.
What are we doing? We are:
1. Monitoring the situation very carefully and following all advice and guidance from the government and health associations with regard to maintaining the health, safety and welfare of pupils, staff and their families as paramount;
2. Limiting travel by staff where appropriate - training for example;
3. Ensuring, as always, cleaning is of the highest standard in our facilities and providing additional hand sanitization in classrooms and meeting rooms;
4. Stopping shaking hands at the start of meetings with parents/carers and with visitors to the school when they arrive;
5. Increasing signage around key areas with regard to the importance of handwashing and not touching your face;
6. Responding as appropriate with regard to trips and visits that we have planned for pupils in accordance with guidance from Public Health England and the Department for Education;
7. Going to turn off all water coolers. Pupils need to bring a full, preferably reusable water bottle with them to school each day. Should they require it to be refilled, they can ask a member of staff to fill it up before break or lunch time; the water will come from a tap with drinking water accessible only to staff;
8. Preparing online learning resources for pupils to access should the school be directed to close;
9. Proactively talking to pupils about their role in reducing the spread of the infection through their own personal hygiene routines and reassuring them that the school is following all guidance required to ensure their health and welfare.
What we would like you to do:
1. Continue to ensure that your child/children attend(s) school as usual;
2. Talk with your child about the importance of effective handwashing with soap and hot water for 20 seconds or more and not touching their face. Relentlessly remind them of ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. Remind them that soap is the key along with hot water. Many of them presume that a small blob of antibacterial sanitizer gel is better than soap, it is not, the virus is not bacterial it is viral.
3. Reassure your child that everyone is doing everything they can to reduce the spread of the infection and that the NHS is a wonderful healthcare system who will provide fantastic care for those in need;
4. In the event that your child develops symptoms, specifically a high temperature/fever with a sore throat and/or coughing; or they have close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus, please do not bring them/let them come to school. Please call 111, where you will be advised what steps to take. Please let the school know by calling the school office 02392584048 after you have spoken to 111.
Please be aware that there is a Department for Education coronavirus helpline available to answer questions about Covid-19 relating to education and children’s social care:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Please can I ask that you check your contact details are up to date, including a mobile telephone number. This is extremely important as most emergency communications will be sent to you via text through the parent mail system. Please also refer to the school website and your emails for all communications.
I will of course keep you informed of any further proactive steps that we decide to take along with any requirements that we are directed to follow and the impact these may have on our school community.
Mrs E Howlett, Headteacher