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Newtown C of E Primary School is now closed for the summer holiday period • For any queries, please email • This email account will be checked periodically, but unless urgent, emails will be actioned after September 2nd, 2024 • For any urgent safeguarding concerns relating to a child, please contact the police or telephone Childrens Services on 0300 555 1384 or email • Please note, in an emergency, please call 999 immediately • We wish you all a very relaxing, safe and restful summer holiday •

After School Club

We are working really hard to try and get After School Club up and running through this COVID-regulated period. There is a great deal of factors to take into account and we need to make sure that it is financially viable for the school.


If we were able to re-open After School Club in this COVID-19 period, it would run as follows:

  • Start time 3pm and finish time 5:30pm (no early collection due to staffing)
  • Food/tea would be a picnic/packed tea
  • Price will remain at £10 due to increased staffing and increased expenditure with outsourced food
  • Payments would need to be made WEEKLY in advance, no exceptions can be made.
  • Limited places would be available on a first come, first served basis.


We are not in a position to commit to offering After School Club at this current moment in time, however we are looking to organise this again from October if it is financially viable, as we would need an increased number of staff to adhere to the Government and DfE COVID-19 restrictions and regulations.


If you would be interested in a place for your child on the basis above, please complete a form to express your interest and return/submit no later than Thursday 16th September 2020. Forms have been sent via ParentMail or please telephone the school office for a hard copy.
