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Welcome! • We have limited spaces in all year groups so please get in touch if you would like your child/children to start school with us • Stay and Play sessions for toddlers and preschoolers take place every Tuesday morning • Due to Key Stage 2 SATS Week, Stay and Play will not take place on Tuesday 14th May 2024. Stay and Play will resume on Tuesday 21st May. Thank you for your support •

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • A message from Mrs Howlett - 19th June 2020

    Fri 19 Jun 2020


    Dear Parents and Carers


    I hope you are well and are continuing to stay safe at home as much as possible. It is really important to continue to adhere to the Government guidelines to reduce the risks of COVID 19. Please therefore can I remind you to follow these key principles:

    1. If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them. From the week commencing 1 June, we have also welcomed back all children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6, alongside priority groups.
    2. Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
    3. Parents must do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially outside of school. They must observe the same social distancing principles as adults, as far as possible.


    Critical Workers

    Children of critical workers, and vulnerable children who are already eligible, will continue to be offered a place, regardless of the year group they are in. The definition of critical workers remains unchanged.


    If your work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, or you work in one of the critical sectors listed on the Government guidance attached, then please get in touch with the school to discuss your child returning. Your employer will need to evidence and give an honest account of your employment as per the strict Government guidelines to prevent fraudulent claims of critical worker status.


    Government summer & “Catch-Up” plans

    There has once again been much hype surrounding the Government’s proposed summer programme and catch up plans for the education sector and pupils affected by COVID 19. As has been the case throughout this process, I hear all announcements at the same time as the public, which includes the announcement this morning regarding the planned catch up programme. As yet I have received no details at all regarding what this will look like or what that will mean for our children and our school in particular. As soon as I do receive detailed guidance, the Senior Leadership Team will plan for how this will affect our children and I will then communicate this to all parents, as soon as possible.


    Free school meal provision in the summer holidays

    As per the Government announcement on 17th June, there will now be a Covid Summer Food Fund, offering a six-week voucher to families with children eligible for free school meals in England during the holidays. As yet, no guidance has been sent to school about this specific fund but I will communicate this to all parents that are eligible as soon as I am able.



    At this time every year, the Senior Leadership Team plan the arrangements for transition week here at school for the children’s new classes for next academic year. Obviously this will look different this year but I am still preparing for a socially-distanced transition programme for each new class. Full details will be sent to all parents shortly.


    Site reminders

    Please can I remind all parents that are coming onto site, whether that is to drop off or collect your children attending school or to collect home learning packs or hampers, that you MUST adhere to the 2 metre social distance guidelines and markers in place. Please depart the school site PROMPTLY, as soon as you are able to and return to the safety of your own homes. Please can I also ask you to not allow your children to use the play equipment during this time.


    Health & Well-being for all

    As you know, the health and wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff is one of the top priorities at Newtown C of E Primary School, especially through this COVID 19 period. If you or your children need further support, please visit our website to access the sections that can help support you and your children at home during the COVID period. The presentation in particular called “We are at home right now” which I have attached, is a very useful resource to use. I would also suggest you visit which also have great resources for families to use.


    I would encourage all families to access as much fresh air as possible. Please do take regular socially distanced walks with your children to limit the amount of time your feel cooped up or restricted during this period.


    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful and dedicated staff here at Newtown C of E Primary School. They are all managing their own personal circumstances, whilst having a full time teaching commitment with their COVID group, planning home learning for those in their original class, keeping in constant touch with families via phone calls, seesaw and parentmails, planning for the transition to next academic year and constantly adapting to new guidance and plans. Their health and wellbeing is also my priority and I cannot thank them enough for their commitment, as always, in keeping your children safe, happy and at the forefront of their minds.


    Throughout lockdown and this COVID 19 period I have talked frequently about the empathy and compassion we need to show towards others, through love, courage and friendship; recognising that for each of us, our lockdown experiences may be very different. I wish for your family to continue to remain safe, happy and healthy and for the home learning provided by the staff at Newtown C of E Primary School to give your children, our pupils, opportunities to remain academically active and engaged with their schooling.


    Thank you for your continued patience, positivity and support,

    Kindest regards

    Mrs. E Howlett



    (For attachments, please visit the all school letters section of the website)

  • Children in Need - Design a Duck Competition

    Tue 16 Jun 2020

    Children in Need Annual Duck Race is back and this year they want you to help complete our pun-tastic duck line-up.


    Children in Need are asking duck fans across the UK to grab their crayons and design a duck, with one lucky ducky featuring in our big race at the end of the year.


    Everything you need to take part is on their site, simply download the handy duck template and get quacking!

    • This competition is open to children 16 and under, and must have their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.
    • Download our handy duck template
    • Get creative and design and name your duck
    • Upload a scan or clear picture of your creation to our Uploader tool here
    • The competition is open from the 12th of June, and will be closing to entries on the 24th of June at midnight.
    • We’ll get in touch with the parent or guardian of the winner via email or phone, and the winning design will be shared on our social media channels, as well as in the race itself!


    For full details please visit the competition page in our Home Learning section.

  • Gardening in Year R

    Fri 12 Jun 2020


    Today Year R spent the day planting flowers and plants to enhance their outside area and to learn about and explore the outside world and the world around them.


    The children also learnt about the different parts of the plants and what plants need to grow.


    Well done Year R it looks great!

  • Year R Welcome Event

    Thu 11 Jun 2020


    What a wonderful welcome event we had yesterday for our new Year R children, starting with us in September 2020.


    Our wonderful EYFS team gave out goody bags and met so many of you starting school with us soon.


    For the small number that could not make it, there is a follow-up event next Wednesday 17th June between 4pm-4:30pm, so come and collect your child's goody bag and meet the wonderful teachers and staff.

  • A message from Mrs Howlett - 5th June 2020

    Fri 05 Jun 2020


    Dear Parents and Carers


    I hope you are well and are continuing to stay safe at home as much as possible. It is really important to continue to adhere to the Government guidelines to reduce the risks of COVID 19. Please remember, if I am asking children and staff to come into school, it is absolutely vital that you continue to socially distance yourselves from others outside your household, at all times, including the weekends and evenings, so that they may be protected and the risks to the staff and children are minimised.


    As you know, throughout this COVID 19 period, the school has continued to be open for children of priority families and critical workers; however this week has also seen the return of children in Year R, Year 1 and Year 6. 


    I am so proud of the children and the staff of Newtown C of E Primary School. Their resilience has been so evident and everyone has adapted so well to the new changes that we have had to manage. Learning has been fun and focused and will continue, first and foremost, to ensure the health and wellbeing needs of the children are met at this current time.


    May I also thank you as parents and carers who have adhered to the new systems and regulations that we have had to enforce to keep everyone as safe as possible. I know some of the requests have not been ideal but I am so appreciative of your ongoing support. Our risk assessment process is evolving daily and the staff and I are doing all we can to minimise the risk to all.


    To the families and children who are not yet back at school, may I send a special message of thanks and support to you. The home learning has been phenomenal; myself and the teachers have enjoyed looking at the quality of the work and I am so proud of all the children and parents as you are all juggling so much at this time. Please continue to access the opportunities for home learning via our website


    As per my previous communications, we are suggesting a maximum of 2-3 hours per day spent on home learning and please only do as much as you feel your family circumstance allows. What has always been most important to me is that our families stay physically and mentally well. You know your children/child best and please do not be troubled by the amount of work being provided by school, be pleased, as we want to give you as many opportunities and activities across a range of themes, projects and subjects to help as possible, but to what extent your child completes these is up to you.


    Please continue to use Seesaw and Tapestry to share your child’s learning with their teacher and I would like you as parents to continue to share your strength, your calm and your laughter with your children. I want every child to have happy memories throughout this unsettled period and I want as much as possible for our lovely Newtown community to stay safe.


    I know there has been a lot of hype in the press about schools reopening fully at some point in the future. To date I have had no guidance or communication about this. The hype surrounding this issue is unhelpful and at this time there are no plans to reopen fully and we will only do so when we are told to do so and only when it is safe to do so.


    The staff and I continue to miss everyone very much that are not back with us. Our staff are continuing to call all families that remain at home so that we can touch base with you all and keep in touch. Please remember, when this period is over, no one will be left behind, our fabulous teachers will make sure of that, whenever the time comes that everyone returns to school.


    Thank you once again for your continued support.

    Kindest regards

    Mrs. E Howlett, Headteacher


  • South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) Competition

    Tue 02 Jun 2020

    During these challenging times, South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) would like to offer their support by sharing resources you may find useful. They are also launching a competition for children, and we would like our pupils to take part.


    As a school, we have been responsive to supporting local initiatives and the local community during this difficult time and we would love the school to get involved with this competition.  Some of our families are critical/key-workers, who work for the NHS and this helps to celebrate and appreciate all their efforts and support, to care for our loved ones. 


    This competition is open to all year groups for primary (up to the age of 13 yrs old).


    For details of the competition and to view the resources, please visit the Home Learning section of the website - South Central Ambulance Service Competition.
